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Schema API

The lists property of the system configuration object is where you define the data model, or schema, of your Keystone system. It accepts an object with list names as keys, and list() configurations as values.

import { config, list } from '@keystone-next/keystone';
export default config({
lists: ({
ListName: list({
fields: { /* ... */ },
access: { /* ... */ },
ui: { /* ... */ },
hooks: { /* ... */ },
graphql: { /* ... */ },
db: { /* ... */ },
description: '...',
defaultIsFilterable: false,
defaultIsOrderable: false,
/* ... */
/* ... */

This document will explain the configuration options which can be used with the list() function.


  • defaultIsFilterable: This value sets the default value to use for isFilterable for fields on this list.
  • defaultIsOrderable: This value sets the default value to use for isOrderable for fields on this list.


The fields option defines the names, types, and configuration of the fields in the list. This configuration option takes an object with field names as keys, and configured field types as values.

import { config, list } from '@keystone-next/keystone';
import { text } from '@keystone-next/keystone/fields';
export default config({
lists: {
ListName: list({
fields: {
fieldName: text({ /* ... */ }),
/* ... */
/* ... */
/* ... */

For full details on the available field types and their configuration options please see the Fields API.


The access option defines the Access Control rules for the list. These rules determine which of the CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations users are allowed to perform.

See the Access Control API for full details on the available access control options.


The ui option controls how the list is displayed and interacted with in the Admin UI.


  • labelField: Selects the field which will be used as the label column in the Admin UI. By default looks for a field called 'label', then falls back to 'name', then 'title', and finally 'id', which is guaranteed to exist.
  • searchFields: The fields used by the Admin UI when searching this list. It is always possible to search by an id and 'id' should not be specified in this option. By default, the labelField is used if it has a string contains filter, otherwise none.
  • description (default: undefined): Sets the list description displayed in the Admin UI.
  • isHidden (default: false): Controls whether the list is visible in the navigation elements of the Admin UI. Can be either a boolean value, or an async function with an argument { session, context } that returns a boolean value.
  • hideCreate (default: false): Controls whether the create button is available in the Admin UI for this list. Can be either a boolean value, or an async function with an argument { session, context } that returns a boolean value.
  • hideDelete (default: false): Controls whether the delete button is available in the Admin UI for this list. Can be either a boolean value, or an async function with an argument { session, context } that returns a boolean value.
  • createView: Controls the create view page of the Admin UI.
    • defaultFieldMode (default: 'edit'): Can be overridden by per-field values in the field.ui.createView.fieldMode config. See the Fields API for details. Can be one of ['edit', 'hidden'], or an async function with an argument { session, context } that returns one of ['edit', 'hidden'].
  • itemView: Controls the item view page of the Admin UI.
    • defaultFieldMode (default: 'edit'): Can be overridden by per-field values in the field.ui.itemView.fieldMode config. See the Fields API for details. Can be one of ['edit', 'read', 'hidden'], or an async function with an argument { session, context, item } that returns one of ['edit', 'read', 'hidden'].
  • listView: Controls the list view page of the Admin UI.
    • defaultFieldMode (default: 'read'): Controls the default mode of fields in the list view. Can be overridden by per-field values in the field.ui.listView.fieldMode config. See the Fields API for details. Can be one of ['read', 'hidden'], or an async function with an argument { session, context } that returns one of ['read', 'hidden'].
    • initialColumns (default: The first three fields defined in the list). A list of field names to display in columns in the list view. By default only the label column, as determined by labelField, is shown.
    • initialSort (default: undefined): Sets the field and direction to be used to initially sort the data in the list view. Option field is the name of the field to sort by, and direction is either 'ASC' or 'DESC' for ascending and descending sorting respectively. If undefined then data will be unsorted.
    • pageSize (default: 50): Sets the number of items to show per page in the list view.
import { config, list } from '@keystone-next/keystone';
import { text } from '@keystone-next/keystone/fields`;
export default config({
lists: {
ListName: list({
fields: { name: text({ /* ... */ }) },
ui: {
labelField: 'name',
searchFields: ['name', 'alternativeName'],
description: '...',
isHidden: ({ session, context }) => false,
hideCreate: ({ session, context }) => false,
hideDelete: ({ session, context }) => false,
createView: {
defaultFieldMode: ({ session, context }) => 'edit',
itemView: {
defaultFieldMode: ({ session, context, item }) => 'edit',
listView: {
defaultFieldMode: ({ session, context }) => 'read',
initialColumns: ['name', /* ... */],
initialSort: { field: 'name', direction: 'ASC' },
pageSize: 50,
/* ... */
/* ... */


The hooks option defines hook functions for the list. Hooks allow you to execute code at different stages of the mutation lifecycle.

See the Hooks API for full details on the available hook options.


The graphql config option allows you to configures certain aspects of the GraphQL API.


  • description (default: undefined): Sets the description of the associated GraphQL type in the generated GraphQL API documentation. Overrides the list-level description config option.
  • plural: (default: Pluralised list key, e.g. 'Users'): Overrides the name used in multiple mutations and queries (e.g. users(), updateUsers(), etc).
  • queryLimits (default: undefined): Allows you to limit the number of results returned from a query to this list in the GraphQL API. See also the global graphql.queryLimits option in the System Configuration API.
  • cacheHint (default: undefined): Allows you to specific the dynamic cache control hints used for queries to this this list.
  • omit (default: undefined): Allows you to configure which parts of the CRUD API are autogenerated for your GraphQL API. This option accepts either true, or an array of the values query, create, update, or delete. If you specify true then the entire list, including its output type, will be omitted from the GraphQL API. If you provide an array of query, create, update, or delete options, the corresponding operations will be omitted from the GraphQL API.
import { CacheScope } from 'apollo-cache-control';
import { config, list } from '@keystone-next/keystone';
export default config({
lists: {
ListName: list({
graphql: {
description: '...',
itemQueryName: '...',
listQueryName: '...',
queryLimits: { maxResults: 100 },
cacheHint: { maxAge: 60, scope: CacheScope.Private },
omit: ['query', 'create', 'update', 'delete'],
/* ... */
/* ... */
/* ... */


The db config option allows you to configures certain aspects of the database connection specific to this list.


  • idField (default: { kind: "cuid" }): The kind of id field to use, it can be one of: cuid, uuid or autoincrement. The default across all lists can be changed at the root-level db.idField config.
import { config, list } from '@keystone-next/keystone';
export default config({
lists: {
ListName: list({
db: {
idField: { kind: 'uuid' },
/* ... */
/* ... */
/* ... */


The description option defines a string which will be used as a description in the Admin UI and GraphQL API docs. This option can be individually overridden by the graphql.description or ui.description options.