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A growing collection of projects you can run locally to learn more about Keystone’s capabilities. Each example includes documentation explaining the how and why. Use them as a reference for best practice, and a jumping off point when adding features to your own Keystone project.

All example projects live in theKeystone GitHub repo

Base Projects

Simple starters to get you up and running with a local Keystone instance and understand the basics of designing a schema .

Feature Projects

Derived from the Base Projects, these examples demonstrate a particular feature of Keystone, and show you best practice for implementing it.

Extend GraphQL Schema

Shows you how to extend the Keystone GraphQL API with custom queries and mutations. Builds upon the Blog starter project.

Default Values

Demonstrates how to use default values for fields. Builds upon the Task Manager starter project.

Virtual fields

Implements virtual fields in a Keystone list. Builds on the Blog starter project.

Document field

Illustrates how to configure document fields in your Keystone system and render their data in a frontend application. Builds on the Blog starter project.


Shows you how to write tests against the GraphQL API to your Keystone system. Builds on the Authentication example project.


Adds password-based authentication to the Task Manager starter project.

JSON Field

Illustrates how to use the json field type. Builds on the Task Manager starter project.

Custom Field View

Adds a custom Admin UI view to a json field which provides a customised editing experience for users. Builds on the Task Manager starter project.

Custom Field Type

Adds a custom field type based on the integer field type which lets users rate items on a 5-star scale. Builds on the Blog starter project.

Custom Admin UI Pages

Adds a custom page in the Admin UI. Builds on the Task Manager starter project.

Custom Admin UI Logo

Adds a custom logo component in the Admin UI. Builds on the Task Manager starter project.

Custom Admin UI Navigation

Adds a custom Navigation component to the Admin UI. Builds on the Task Manager starter project.

REST API endpoint

Demonstrates how to create REST endpoints by extending Keystone's express app and using the Query API to execute queries against the schema.

Deployment Projects

Examples with all the code and documentation you need to get a Keystone project hosted on the web. You can find them in the Keystone Github Organisation.