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Keystone 6 is in Community Preview! For Keystone 5 docs visit

Release: 6th September 2021

Big strides towards our General Availability release for Keystone 6 in the very near futureβŒ› this release includes:

  • New & Improved Access Control API ✨
  • Customisable Express App πŸ—ΊοΈ
  • Customisable GraphQL Paths 🚏
  • Faster GraphQL API startups in local dev πŸš€
  • Next.js 11 upgrade for Admin UI βš™οΈ
  • Apollo Server Introspection πŸ”Ž
  • Omit GraphQL Operations 🚦
  • And more...

This release contains breaking changes, please see below!

"@keystone-next/admin-ui-utils": "6.0.0",
"@keystone-next/auth": "32.0.0",
"@keystone-next/cloudinary": "7.0.0",
"@keystone-next/fields": "15.0.0",
"@keystone-next/fields-document": "9.0.0",
"@keystone-next/keystone": "25.0.1",
"@keystone-next/session-store-redis": "4.0.0",
"@keystone-next/testing": "2.0.0",
"@keystone-next/types": "25.0.0",
"@keystone-next/utils": "2.0.0",

New & Improved Access Control API ✨

Some of these API changes are breaking and impact the security of all Keystone systems.

Access Control is now easier to program, and makes it harder to introduce security gaps in your system:

  • The static approach to access control has been replaced. Now access control never effects the operations in your GraphQL API.
  • Keystone used to return an access denied error from a query if an item couldn't be found, or explicitly had access denied. The improved API never returns that error type on a query.
  • Access rules are now more explicit, and support fewer variations so you're less likely to introduce security gaps. They're also easier to read, write, and maintain.

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How to upgrade

  1. Follow the instructions in our Access Control upgrade guide.
  2. Review our updated Access Control API docs.

If you get stuck or have questions, reach out to us in the Keystone community slack to get the help you need.

Faster Startup πŸš€

The GraphQL API endpoint now starts up significantly faster in development!

Often when you're working with the GraphQL API you'll be waiting around for it to start up, now you don't need to wait for the Admin UI to be ready before hitting the server. The process of creating of the Express Server + GraphQL API has been split from the Admin UI, which significantly speeds up boot time for the GraphQL API in development! πŸŽ‰

To facilitate this, createExpressServer no longer includes the step of creating the Admin UI Middleware, which changes its signature. createAdminUIMiddleware is now also exported from @keystone-next/keystone/system.

Next.js 11 βš™οΈ

We've updated the underlying Next.js server that Keystone uses under the hood from version 10 to 11, which includes optimisations to improve cold startup time.

If you've been using a custom Babel config, you'll need to remove this as it’s no longer supported in Next.js 11.

Omit GraphQL Operations 🚦

You can now add graphql.omit to list and field level configuration to control which types and operations are excluded from the GraphQL API. This option accepts either true, or an array of the values read, create, or update. If you specify true then the field will be excluded from all input and output types in the GraphQL API. If you provide an array of read, create, or update the field will be omitted from the corresponding input and output types in the GraphQL API.

User: list({
fields: {
name: text({
graphql: {
omit: ['read', 'create', 'update'],

Customisable Express App πŸ—ΊοΈ

A long awaited feature, the Express App that Keystone creates is now customisable with the new extendExpressApp option!

  • Add your own custom server routes
  • Host two apps on separate ports
  • And more...

Check out the Server Config docs for more information.

Package Shuffle πŸ’ƒ

We've moved some packages around to make it easier for you to keep your project in sync with Keystone releases, in order to prevent mismatching versions of Keystone packages. The exports from the following packages now reside inside the @keystone-next/keystone/* package:


For example if you had:

import {
} from '@keystone-next/fields';

This is now:

import {
} from '@keystone-next/keystone/fields';

πŸ’‘ For any affected package, you'll need to change your import references and remove deprecated packages from your package.json as they will no longer be updated.

Key Changes πŸ”‘

isUnique now isIndexed for unique fields πŸ—‚

Unique fields marked as isUnique: true are now represented as isIndexed: 'unique'. This ensures that regular indexes and unique indexes aren't enabled at the same time.

isIndexed accepts the following options as per the Fields API docs -

  • If true then the field will be indexed by the database.
  • If 'unique' then all values of the field must be unique.

fieldPath now fieldKey for field hooks πŸͺ

The fieldPath argument to field hooks has been renamed to fieldKey. This makes the naming consistent with the Access Control APIs.

schema now graphql for virtual and custom fields πŸ₯½

If you've using Virtual fields or custom field types, or if constructing GraphQL types, we used to export schema, this has been changed to graphql.

Disabled filtering and ordering (by default) πŸ™…β€β™€οΈ

Filtering and ordering is no longer enabled by default, as they have the potential to expose data which would otherwise be protected by access control. To enable filtering and ordering you can set isFilterable: true and isOrderable: true on specific fields, or set defaultIsFilterable: true and defaultIsOrderable: true at the list level.

Check out our Fields API docs for all field level options.

Introspection πŸ”Ž

You can now enable introspection in the Apollo Server config. Introspection enables you to query a GraphQL server for information about the underlying schema. Check out the GraphQL Config docs for more information.

GraphQL Path Customisation 🚏

The GraphQL endpoint accessible by default at /api/graphql can now be customised with the new option config.graphql.path. You can find this and all other options in our GraphQL API docs.

Admin UI Improvements πŸ› οΈ

The Navigation component has been updated to show docs and playground links irrespective of authentication. The triple-dot menu is now available in the Admin UI even if authentication isn't being used.

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Additionally, performance has been improved of the create item modal when many fields are configured. Thanks to Sam Lam for the heads up!

Prisma Update ⬆️

Updated Prisma dependencies from 2.29.0 to 2.30.2, check out the Prisma releases page for more details.

Credits πŸ’«

  • Fixed an issue in the Relationship field when using display mode count, thanks to @gautamsi!
  • Sam Lam for alerting us to performance issues with Admin UI create item modal.

You can also view the verbose release notes on GitHub.